My choice for the worst city in the U.S. is .........drum roll,please .......... Memphis, Tennessee.. The crime rate in Memphis is one of the highest in the country. This city of 660,000 has a crime rate of 18.06 crimes per 1000 people. New York has a rate of 5.52. The murder rate is 0.2 per 1000 people while New York stands at 0.06. You are over 3 times as likely to be killed in Memphis than in New York.
Memphis also sits way too close to the New Madrid Seismic Zone. The last major quake along the New Madrid was in 1812. The area is due for a shake-up any time now. Memphis also sits at the east end of Tornado Alley. The potential for a natural disaster there is too high for me.
Although it is a dangerous place to live, Memphis does have a few redeeming qualities. Of course, it has Beale Street, home of the Memphis blues, which is a fun place to visit. Memphis isn't particularly flood-prone even though it sits on the Mississippi River because most of it sits on a high bluff. The cost of living is good, too. With a COL index of 86, Memphis is actually a cheaper place to live than Macon where the COL index is 100. I think the low cost of living will be irrelevant to me if someone kills me, don't you? Maybe the cost of dying (COD) ain't bad either. The executor of my "estate" (lol) might get a real deal on a funerary plot!
Stay tuned! The "best city" is yet to come!
My choice for the best U. S. city is ...
Austin has one significant drawback. Although it is far enough south to avoid having a high frequency of tornadoes, it still gets its share of heavy thunderstorms. That seems to be pretty common most anywhere these days. Flash floods do occur in the Austin area but I think I would like to live there one day anyway.
I have found one thing to be true in researching this Blog; no big city is perfect. That doesn't mean your spot in it can't be close!
Post Script: You didn't ask what piece of this great country was the best. That would have been really tough to decide ... but chances are, it would probably be sorta south and sorta east!
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