Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sustainable Economy? 5/5 and FREEZE

1.  FIVE PERCENT for  FIVE YEARS.  Slash the entire government budget including every single sub-budget for everything.  Mandate the cut by law!  This would have to include each Congressperson and each Congressional office's traditional indulgences.  They often exempt themselves from the many distasteful tidbits they shove down our throats.  It must also include The President and The White House. Lead from the front, brother!  It would be a hell of an example for the rest of the world.  Freeze all governmental salaries including the military.  Sorry guys, we all gotta suck this one up!  As a former military guy who goes to school on Uncle Sam's dime, I can advocate this sort of thing without being quite as politically incorrect (as if I care).
Our Infrastructure is Failing.
2.  At the end of the 5 year period, we may be able to work on the most important things by increasing certain budgets.  These are my preferences.
     A)  Our infrastructure is falling apart.  Guard closely against pork-barrel stuff.  Let's concentrate on the interstate system first and see where we can go from there.
     B)  The U. S. is falling behind in education.  We are woefully short of science and engineering grads.  Let's concentrate on math and science and figure out how to remedy that part of the problem.  Hey, with my plan, we can only do so much for the next five years.  We should have a great plan in place by the time the money is available!
Education is Lacking.
    C)  Create a new way to make war on drugs!  How about dozens of old-fashioned sabotage operations and a few black-ops assassinations.  If that doesn't work, smart bombs will.  Ask Uday and Qusay.
     D)  The environment is definitely one of the biggest issues facing the world today.  We need international cooperation to fix most of these problems but it won't happen.  If we create an international organization, it will either be a toothless blowhard like the U. N. or a whorehouse like the International Whaling Commission where Japan is now buying the votes of small, poor countries to support their wasteful, abusive practices.  We will just have to do what we can on our own if we can't get any genuine cooperation.
Drugs Gotta Go!
     E)  We have to have a military but we must do what we can to keep the cost down.  This stuff is expensive.
3.  There are places where we need to make cuts.  Here are my suggestions.
     A)  If we fail to get heart-felt cooperation from any particular member of the international community, let's let the air out of the basketball and go home.  Limit trade with them; we get the shaft anyway!  Eliminate them from all programs that provide them any kind of "freebees".  Don't tell me that we are only hurting the peasants.  I call it "tough love", gang. When the peasants get tired of their crappy government, they will do the same thing we did in the 18th century. We give away too much money and a lot of it goes to countries that don't even like Americans.
Wasteful Spending Out of Hand!
     B)  Create a watchdog in the Justice Department to oversee earmarks and eliminate pork-barrel spending, period.  Except for our misguided philanthropic practices and our one-sided trade agreements, these are our most wasteful expenditures.
     C)  I don't know what to do about Wall Street!  They need a babysitter.  Greedy children always do!  Japan is more involved in their private sector and it is working for them but I don't think that would work as well here.  It's just a mess, a bloody mess I tell ya!

Disclaimer:  For anyone reading this who doesn't know me, you probably think I crazy!  I assure you, I am reasonably sane.  I just like to use sarcasm and a lot of tongue-in-cheek to make my point.  That doesn't mean I don't think my ideas are basically sound.  I do.  I do recognize, however, that  implementation of this particular plan is going to be messy!